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Population Register Centre in Finland selected Innofactor as the provider of Service Design team

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11.03.2015 00:00

Innofactor Plc Stock Exchange Release March 11, 2015, at 8:30 Finnish time

In a public tendering process the Population Register Centre has selected Innofactor as the provid-er of Service Design team for implementing service views.

The implementation will be done during years 2015 to 2017. The team consists of service design-er, UX manager and graphic designer. The work is focused at national initiative (“Palvelunäkymät”) that offers digital services for citizens, companies and associations as well as authori-ties. The Ministry of Finance has authorized an execution of the initiative to the Population Regis-ter Centre as part of the National Architecture for Digital Services development program.

Customer has announced that the value of the final contract would be 630,000 to 720,000 euros. However, the final value of the deal during the contract period cannot be stated for certain at this point.

The basic task of the Population Register Centre is to enable usage of the data contained in the Population Information System and the PRC's certified electronic services to support society's func-tions and information services and management. Through its activity, the PRC promotes the pro-tection of privacy and personal data as well as information security and the development of and compliance with good data processing and data management practices. Together with the local register offices, the Population Register Centre is the data controller for the Finnish Population Information System. The PRC maintains and develops the Population Information System, its data and data quality as well as certified electronic services. The PRC offers Population Information System information services and certificate services. It also performs duties related to elections.

Espoo, March 11, 2015


Sami Ensio, CEO

Additional information:

Sami Ensio, CEO
Innofactor Plc
Tel: +358 50 584 2029


Main media

Innofactor is one of the leading Nordic IT solution providers focused on Microsoft platforms. Innofactor delivers business critical solutions and maintenance services as a system integrator and develops its own software products and services. Innofactor’s own product development is focused on Microsoft’s Windows Azure-based cloud solutions. Innofactor's customers include about 1,000 private and public sector organizations in Finland, Denmark, Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. The company has about 400 motivated and skilled employees in several locations in Finland, Denmark and Sweden. From 2010 to 2014, Innofactor's annual net sales growth has been 45% on average. Leading Finnish business media Kauppalehti and Balance Consulting selected Innofactor as the most successful company on the Finnish stock exchange in 2013. The Innofactor Plc share is listed in the technology section of the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy.