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Changes in the Board of Directors of Innofactor Plc

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24.03.2015 00:00

Innofactor Plc Stock Exchange Release March 24, 2015, at 11:30 Finnish time

The Annual General Meeting of Innofactor Plc elected today, March 24, 2015, a new Board of Directors for the company. J. T. Bergqvist, D.Sc. (Tech.), CEO of Innofactor Plc, Sami Ensio, M.Sc. (Tech.), Jukka Mäkinen, M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.) and Ilari Nurmi, M.Sc. (Tech.) were re-elected. Tiia Tuovinen, LL.M. is retiring from the Board of Directors. Ari Rahkonen (BBA) and Pekka Puolakka LL.M. were elected as new members into the Board of Directors.

At their organizing meeting held immediately after the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Ari Rahkonen as Chairman of the Board.

Espoo, March 24, 2015
Board of Directors

Additional information:

Sami Ensio, CEO
Innofactor Plc
Tel. +358 50 584 2029


Principal media

Innofactor is one of the leading Nordic IT solution providers focused on Microsoft platforms. Innofactor delivers business critical solutions and maintenance services as a system integrator and develops its own software products and services. Innofactor’s own product development is focused on Microsoft’s Azure-based cloud solutions. Innofactor's customers include about 1,000 private and public sector organizations in Finland, Denmark, Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. The company has about 400 motivated and skilled employees in several locations in Finland, Denmark and Sweden. From 2010 to 2014, Innofactor's annual net sales growth has been 45% on average. Leading Finnish business media Kauppalehti and Balance Consulting selected Innofactor as the most successful company on the Finnish stock exchange in 2013. The Innofactor Plc share is listed in the technology section of the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy.