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We are convinced that long-term success is based on sustainable operations.
Our digital solutions are in a key position in curbing climate change and promoting sustainable development.

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Innofactor considers sustainability as one of the cornerstones of its long-term success. Sustainability is not only a condition for the continuation of operations. It also represents a way of responding to stakeholder expectations. Technology companies play a significant role in the mitigation of – and adaptation to – climate change. The IT sector also makes it possible for other organizations to reduce their carbon footprint. Our operations are guided by our Code of Conduct and environmental policy, in addition to which we comply with the leading international sustainability standards, such as the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the principles of the ICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development.

Innofactor's internal operations are managed through predefined core processes and standards. The key processes related to sustainability include the company's processes relating to legal affairs, risk management, and human resources, which govern many of the main aspects of corporate responsibility. The framework for Innofactor's operations is provided by the ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 13485, and AQAP-2110 standards, which the company's various processes adhere to.

Innofactor is committed to supporting the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Accordingly, we have assessed the main objectives from the perspective of our business operations.

Good Health and Well-Being

In the fall of 2023, we organized a well-being day for our employees at our Espoo Campus in co-operation with Mehiläinen. At the well-being day event, employees were offered the opportunity to measure their body composition, blood pressure, and hand grip strength. We also had an occupational health physiotherapist visit the Espoo Campus to help with workstation ergonomics by making individual adjustments to interested employees' workstations. Healthy snacks were also served.

Innofactor takes care of its personnel's well-being by providing diverse health services and offering regular occupational physiotherapy services to improve ergonomics, for example. We also offer influenza vaccinations to our employees through our occupational health care partner.

Gender Equality

Our personnel's diversity is in key position at Innofactor, and we see diversity as an important factor in creating innovation and supporting the organization's operating and renewal capacity.

We want to provide an equal workplace culture where everyone is respected and has equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, sexual or gender orientation, or other factors. In our recruitment activities, we welcome all qualified candidates and they have an equal opportunity to be selected. We are pleased to receive applications from people of different genders and ages for our vacancies, and we do not ask about gender or age during our recruitment processes. We provide both genders with equal opportunities for competence development and training.

Parental leave is also a key part of equality. Under Innofactor's company-specific collective agreement, the first 36 days of the parental leave period after pregnancy leave are compensated equally for the non-birthing parent. 

Decent Work and Economic Growth

We contribute to economic growth through innovation and new technologies. The measures we have taken to employ young people support this goal to a significant degree. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we focused even more on the remote work opportunities of our employees and sought to offer new jobs in spite of the difficult circumstances. In the Nordic region, we recruited 31 new graduates or students nearing their graduation for the DigiStar Trainee Program in 2023. 


Environmental Responsibility

As an organization operating in the IT sector, Innofactor has a unique opportunity to be part of the solution in reducing environmental impacts. The digital solutions we deliver to our customer organizations play an important role in mitigating and adapting to climate change. Digitalization of manual processes and digital healthcare are examples of solutions through which Innofactor promotes its customers’ – and thereby the entire society’s – sustainable development.

Our environmental policy guides the actions we take to reduce our adverse environmental impacts and respond to the challenges caused by climate change.Our environmental policy defines the principles we always follow in our own operations and in the deliveries to our customers. The principles of Innofactor’s environmental policy include continuous development, improvement of preventative actions, and reacting to the changing operating environment. Innofactor complies with all applicable laws and regulations and expects the same from its partners and suppliers. The environmental policy concerns the entire Innofactor Group and is available on our website.

Carbon footprint

In 2023, the Innofactor Group's total carbon footprint was 387.4 tCO2e. The calculation included the emissions arising from the electricity and heating consumption of our operating locations (Scope 2), the emissions generated by our leased vehicles (Scope 1) and our most significant Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 included business travel by car, flights, nights spent at hotels, computer and telephone purchases and the water consumption of our offices. The calculation did not include emissions arising from commuting by employees. A separate estimate has been prepared on commuting emissions.

The total carbon footprint for 2023 increased by approximately one percent from the previous year. This was mainly due to an increase in business travel and flights. At the same time, there was a decrease in the number of computers and mobile phones purchased. The year 2021 differs significantly from 2022 and 2023 due to the very low level of business travel caused by COVID-19 restrictions.

Resource CO2e Share
Heating 176.6 46%
Flights 111.5 29%
Computers and mobile phones 22.3 6%
Business travel by car 38.4 10%
Hotel nights 16.8 4%
Company cars 9.4 2%
Electricity 11.2 3%
Water 1.6 0%

Innofactor has a policy aimed at extending the lifecycle of computers. Factors considered in the renewal of computer hardware include the user's needs and the possibility of updating existing devices.

We recycle all recyclable materials such as cardboard, organic waste, metal, plastic and glass. Our electronic waste is recycled by Kuusakoski Recycling.

Remote work is an essential part of the operations of a modern digital organization. We provide our employees with good opportunities for location-independent work. Using Microsoft Teams as a meeting tool brings added value to the operations of both Innofactor and its customers.

We conducted an extensive stakeholder survey regarding our sustainability efforts in 2023. In connection with the survey, we made a donation to the John Nurminen Foundation to save a piece of the Baltic Sea off the Espoo Campus.

Social Responsibility

We revised our employee satisfaction survey considerably in 2023 to support good leadership and the development of our operations. The new survey is a pulse-style questionnaire in which the employees answer six rotating questions each week. Examples of the key themes in the survey include leadership, meaningful work, satisfaction with one's job, development opportunities, team spirit and commitment. Innofactor's employee satisfaction is at a good level. The new employee satisfaction survey also enables anonymous communication between the respondent and their supervisor or the HR function. In 2023, we received 1,360 comments and questions from our employees, which reflects our open and participatory culture. The voice of our employees is an important part of the development of our operations.

Innofactor has zero tolerance for bullying and harassment. Our employee satisfaction survey includes questions on harassment and bullying, and we outperform our IT industry peer group in these areas by a clear margin.

We want to do our part to promote equality and diversity in the IT industry. In 2023, Innofactor continued the recruitment and training of students nearing their graduation by recruiting new specialists in the early stages of their careers for the Innofactor DigiStar Trainee Program in the Nordic countries. In 2023, Innofactor recruited and trained a total of 40 students nearing their graduation. We do not ask candidates about their age or gender in our recruitment process. We also encourage our employees to "be the real you", and we enable flexible work arrangements in all life circumstances.

We focus on the quality of supervisory work in various ways. We have focused on building a Nordic manager community to establish a consistent leadership culture and practices. We want to provide our managers with the best possible tools for supporting and coaching our specialists. This was supported in 2023 by our new employee satisfaction survey.

The IT industry is constantly evolving, and an innovative operating environment plays a key role in the success of organizations. At Innofactor, we are increasingly focused on harnessing the potential and strategic capabilities of our employees and giving them the freedom to apply their skills in the workplace. Self-organization is a strategic choice that empowers our teams. This gives them the opportunity to change the world and innovate with our customers.

Our employees chose UNICEF as the recipient of our Christmas donation in 2023. The donation supported children in Ukraine. We also give our teams the opportunity to use working hours for volunteering. In addition to volunteer work, some of our employees used the opportunity to donate blood.


Data Security and Data Protection

Innofactor’s customers require appropriate data security in their services, and they need the services to enable compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Innofactor’s management has identified several critical cyber risk scenarios against which a company needs to protect itself. The company is committed to protecting its customers’ and partners’ information and systems and naturally, Innofactor as a company itself. In order to ensure the level of information security corresponding to the risks, Innofactor maintains a certified information security management system in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard.

In its operations, Innofactor is committed to maintaining a high level of data protection and respects the privacy and rights of its personnel, customers, and users. Through regular internal audits and the continuous development of information security, we aim to continuously develop data protection and information security in our operations and processes. Information security and data protection are mandatory parts of induction training in addition to continuous training on information security and data protection. Innofactor’s information security group meets regularly to guide the development and implementation of information security and data protection at Innofactor. The company has a designated information security manager and a data protection officer. Additionally, the company’s main personal data registers have been assigned to the persons responsible for them.


Respecting Human Rights, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery

Innofactor's Code of Conduct defines the general principles and guidelines that the company's employees and partners adhere to. We arrange trainings concerning the instructions in all of our offices at regular intervals.

Transparent business in accordance with the highest ethical standards is the basis of our company's operations. We use our anonymous whistleblowing channel for reporting suspected violations of our Code of Conduct. All reports received via the channel are processed in strict confidence.

Microsoft Partner Pledge

Innofactor has signed the Microsoft Partner Pledge. Signing the Pledge indicates our commitment to use technology for good, and invest in the following four areas:

  • Digital Skills
  • Diversity
  • Responsible and Ethical AI
  • Sustainability

Learn more about the initiative here.