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Environmental Policy

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Environmental Policy


Innofactor is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its operations and addressing the challenges posed by climate change. Our environmental policy guides the actions we take to minimize our environmental footprint and promote sustainable development. The environmental policy defines the principles that are followed in both Innofactor's own operations and the delivery of solutions to customers. The environmental policy applies to the entire Innofactor Group. This policy is regularly reviewed, and its compliance is monitored.




The principles of Innofactor's environmental policy include continuous improvement, the development of preventive measures, and responding to the changing operational environment. These principles are supported by setting environmental goals, monitoring them, and adjusting operations as necessary to achieve the goals.


Environmental Protection


Innofactor is committed to reducing its environmental impacts and adheres to a sustainability strategy that recognizes the importance of mitigating climate change.

Innofactor has involved stakeholders in identifying key sustainability themes and has taken their views into account in defining the focus areas of the sustainability strategy. The views of key stakeholders on sustainability themes are also monitored as part of regular business operations (e.g., through feedback from customers or employees), and this is also considered in the company's strategy and business planning.


Compliance with Laws and Regulations


Innofactor is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations and requires the same from its partners and suppliers.


Environmental Impacts


Innofactor is a provider of digital solutions, and its main environmental impacts are related to employee work and business travel, energy consumption at offices, IT procurement, and data centers maintained by third parties.

Key Actions for managing environmental impacts:

  • Annual greenhouse gas emissions calculation to identify the most significant environmental impacts in our operations and value chain.
  • Commitment to setting science-based emission reduction targets. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is an international initiative aimed at promoting climate action in the private sector by supporting companies in setting science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Innofactor committed to this initiative in March 2025.
  • Utilizing modern collaboration tools and favoring online meetings instead of business travel when there are no specific reasons for a physical meeting.
  • Encouraging employees to act responsibly by providing training on environmental responsibility and informing them about ways they can impact Innofactor's environmental footprint through their roles.
  • Promoting the sustainable growth of customer organizations through Innofactor's solutions.
  • Operating in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Act (1429/2014, as amended) and preparing the energy audit reports required by the law.
  • Regular monitoring of office energy consumption and improving energy efficiency. Innofactor's premises are located in leased properties, so we can only partially influence the energy consumption of these offices. Energy efficiency has been improved at various locations by adjusting the use of lighting, air conditioning, and heating, as well as the appropriate use of premises.
  • Reusing and recycling electronic devices, reducing paper consumption and printing, and recycling waste.


Transparency and Communication


Innofactor strives to communicate its environmental impacts and actions as transparently as possible to all its stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers. The company wants all its employees to understand their role in reducing Innofactor's environmental impacts and how they can integrate sustainability into their daily work.