VDC – secure cloud platform for the University of Tromsø
The University of TromsøThe Arctic University of Norway (UiT) started a modernization process by moving its IT services to the cloud.
Read MoreIn cooperation with Innofactor, Betonmast embarked upon a journey to the cloud by using Microsoft Identity Manager
Betonmast is one of Norway's largest construction contractors. It has customers in both the private and public sectors with focus on local affiliation. They wanted to manage and secure their employees' digital identities in a more efficient manner. Innofactor has been their partner in this process.
With 16 companies in Norway and Sweden and 1,000 employees, it is important for Betonmast to compile all information relating to each individual employee such that it flows in a smooth manner between various technical systems. In order to achieve this, Betonmast has embarked upon a journey to the cloud by using Microsoft Identity Manager, and sees that this has given them the confidence and opportunity to adopt new technology.
IT Manager Øyvind Tørnblad and HR Director Erland Ensrud with Betonmast chose Innofactor as their partner when they wanted to find a supplier to join them on this journey.
"This was a lengthy process that meant that we use developers and project managers at all times. In addition, we needed a partner to accompany us on this journey. It's reassuring to us that Innofactor is familiar with Microsoft Identity Manager and the associated technology," Tørnblad says.
Betonmast depends on independent consults for progress in its projects. It needs consultants that contribute to keep track of all ongoing tasks with both internal and external resources. Tørnblad is pleased with how efficient the partnership with Innofactor is, and is of the opinion that it's easy to hire project managers in accordance with their needs.
"We almost view the consultants we hire from Innofactor as our own internal resources. We see confidence, professional expertise and stability among the consultants, and this provides incredible reassurance as we attempt to progress on this journey. I can therefore safely recommend Innofactor to others," Tørnblad concludes.
"We almost view the consultants we hire from Innofactor as our own internal resources. We see confidence, professional expertise and stability among the consultants, and this provides incredible reassurance as we attempt to progress on this journey. I can therefore safely recommend Innofactor to others."
Øyvind Tørnblad
The following technologies were a part of Betonmast's solution: