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CRM system enables better customer service

Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution helped Mitsubishi strengthen its customer relationships

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Case Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi Motors is a renowned organization in the automotive industry. MMC Bilar Sverige AB manages Mitsubishi's car wholesale trade in Sweden. The company's headquarters is located in Upplands Väsby, in the outer Stockholm area. The organization has over 30 employees, 75 retailers and 100 service locations around Sweden. Mitsubishi wants to create a comprehensive view of its customer engagement using CRM.


A new CRM system strengthens customer relationships and communications

The project objective was to strengthen the relationship and dialogue with customers. The project started out with planning the framework for customer communication, so that the dialogue happens real-time and in the right channel, at the same time taking into consideration the needs of different stakeholders. As a result, Mitsubishi can select and analyze large amounts of data to make even better strategic decisions and offer its customers exceptional service.

Mitsubishi implemented the business-critical Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 Online solution in the first phase of the project. The aim was to build lasting and profitable relationships with everyone involved, including customers, retailers and garages. To better align, customize and automate Mitsubishi's customer communications in Sweden, the organization integrated a marketing automation solution, DirectSmile, with the CRM.

The next phase of the project, starting in March-April 2018, will focus on integrating working procedures, administrative processes and increasing the frequency of communication between garages, customers and Mitsubishi's employees.

"We have had the pleasure to work with Innofactor in this business-critical project. It's a major initiative, that will strengthen our customer relationships and dialogue, building lasting and profitable relations between our customers, retailers and garages. Taking into account the significance of the investment, it feels particularly good to be able to trust Innofactor's experience and knowhow."

Karl-Thomas Albinsson

CRM Manager
Mitsubishi Motors Sweden

"Taking into account the significance of the investment, it feels particularly good to be able to trust Innofactor's experience and knowhow."

Karl-Thomas Albinsson
CRM Manager
Mitsubishi Motors Sweden

How it was done

The following solutions and technologies, among others, are a part of of the overall solution delivered to Mitsubishi Motors:

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