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Microsoft-based data warehouse platform makes data processing easier

A new reporting solution has increased the efficiency of Pohjantähti's reporting team and supported business development

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Pohjantähti is an insurance company that has provided protection for Finns in their daily lives for over 125 years. Pohjantähti is a renewal-oriented, agile and developing mutual insurance company that is owned by its customers. With 28 offices and over 400 employees, the company serves customers across Finland.

The co-operation between Invenco (now part of Innofactor) and Pohjantähti began in 2019, when Invenco's experts helped Pohjantähti plan sustainable BI architecture for both the short term and the long term in such a way that the solutions built on the architecture are sustainable, easy to maintain, and expandable. The parties decided to continue their co-operation by planning and implementing a data warehouse platform for harmonized reporting and by creating role-based Power BI reporting applications and scorecards for the users. Reporting is used in several business units and at multiple organizational levels.

New solution enables efficient reporting

The end-users of the new solution are particularly satisfied with the speed of the in-memory SSAS tabular cube and the way it has enabled the integration of all of the key areas of insurance operations in a single data model, even with billions of items of data. Invenco has also optimized the layers of the SQL Server 2019 technology used in the solution to ensure the best possible performance.

"Invenco has played a key role in enabling our small but highly capable reporting team to produce versatile and efficient reporting, which Pohjantähti's management and other parts of the organization can use in their day-to-day activities," says Anna-Maija Orkola, head of the reporting team at Pohjantähti.

Pohjantähti's CEO Aki Kiiliäinen is also pleased with the enhanced reporting:

"You've done a great job. I find that our reporting – and, simultaneously, our understanding – has increased tremendously over the year. Business development is directly linked to reporting now that you have created the opportunity to analyze our operations and understand the outcomes of our decisions."

Intensive reporting development co-operation with Invenco will continue in the future as Pohjantähti gradually upgrades its various basic systems over the coming years.

"You've done a great job. I find that our reporting – and, simultaneously, our understanding – has increased tremendously over the year."

Aki Kiiliäinen

How it was done

The following solutions, among others, are part of the overall solution implemented for Pohjantähti:

Invenco is now part of Innofactor

On June 30, 2022, Innofactor acquired the entire share capital of Invenco Oy, a privately owned company specializing in data solutions. As of July 1, 2022, Invenco Oy's name was changed to Innofactor Invenco Oy. Invenco's employees continue their work with the new company. The roles and duties of Invenco's experts remained unchanged.

Please refer to our stock exchange release for more information on the acquisition.

Stock exchange release: Innofactor acquires Invenco

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