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An agile low-code solution for soil moisture management

An application implemented for the University of Oulu leveraged the opportunities presented by low-code development and the results of previous co-operation, which freed up the experts' time for user interface design

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Customer story: University of Oulu

The University of Oulu is an international science university that builds new competence and well-being for the future through research and education. Established in 1958, the University of Oulu has 13,800 students and 3,700 employees, making it one of the largest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. The University of Oulu has eight faculties and a number of specialized research units.

The University of Oulu's TIMAKO project received two-year Tutli (new business through research) funding from Business Finland. The project studies a system for measuring and adjusting soil moisture conditions in agricultural fields using controlled drainage. Automating the adjustment of subsurface drainage wells is of considerable significance to farmers and agriculture.

The University of Oulu carried out a tendering process for a proof of concept to find a cost-efficient application for data-driven soil moisture management. Invenco (now part of Innofactor) won the tender.

A solution based on low-code development is agile and cost-efficient

Invenco (now Innofactor) provided the University of Oulu with a solution that takes advantage of low-code development and includes integration with IoT sensors. Nearly 100 sensors were embedded in soil.

The user interface was designed in close co-operation with the University of Oulu and farmers. The weather station in the project's experimental field measures air temperature, humidity, light, rainfall and atmospheric pressure. The measurement data can be read in real time on any connected device, such as a mobile phone.

The advantages of a solution that is based on low-code development, including agility and cost-efficiency, were already familiar to the University of Oulu after years of co-operation. The application implemented for soil moisture management enables the use of an existing database, a portal, and readiness for quick integrations, which allowed the experts to focus on the most important thing, namely user interface design.

"The application implemented for soil moisture management enables the use of an existing database, a portal, and readiness for quick integrations, which allowed the experts to focus on the most important thing, namely user interface design."

How it was done

The solution delivered to the University of Oulu was based on our following capabilities, among others:


Invenco is now part of Innofactor

On June 30, 2022, Innofactor acquired the entire share capital of Invenco Oy, a privately owned company specializing in data solutions. As of July 1, 2022, Invenco Oy's name was changed to Innofactor Invenco Oy. Invenco's employees continue their work with the new company. The roles and duties of Invenco's experts remained unchanged.

Please refer to our stock exchange release for more information on the acquisition.

Stock exchange release: Innofactor acquires Invenco

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